Victoria’s Secret 2015 – Η διασημότερη και πιο sexy πασαρέλα του πλανήτη

Έπειτα από ένα χρόνο παραμονής στο Λονδίνο, το show της Victoria’s Secret επέστρεψε στην πόλη όπου γεννήθηκε, για ένα φαντασμαγορικό σόου αντάξιο της Νέας Υόρκης, με τη συμμετοχή των πιο διάσημων μοντέλων του πλανήτη.

Οι παλιές «άγγελοι» της Victoria’s Secret , Αdriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel and Lily Aldridge υποδέχθηκαν τις νέες Gigi Hadid και Kendall Jenner και μαζί περπάτησαν στην πασαρέλα που κάθε χρόνο μπορεί να υπερηφανευτεί πως φιλοξενεί τις πιο ποθητές γυναίκες του πλανήτη.

Η Lily Αldridge έκλεψε την παράσταση φορώντας το εκτυφλωτικό, αξίας δύο εκατομμυρίων δολαρίων “Fantasy Bra” που είναι στολισμένο με 6.500 πολύτιμες πέτρες. Το ιδιαίτερο αυτό εσώρουχο αποτελεί ένα από τα πιο πολυαναμενόμενα highlights του συγκεκριμένου fashion event και φοριέται κάθε χρόνο από ένα τιμώμενο μοντέλο του διάσημου οίκου εσωρούχων.

Το show πλαισίωσαν μουσικά η Selena Gomez, η Εllie Goulding και ο The Weeknd!, ο οποίος αντικατέστησε την τελευταία στιγμή την Rihanna. Ολόκληρο το Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show μαγνητοσκοπήθηκε και θα προβληθεί στην τηλεόραση τον Δεκέμβριο.


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epa05020204 Victoria's Secret models and their musical guests cheer at the conclusion the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020204 Victoria’s Secret models and their musical guests cheer at the conclusion the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020201 Angolan Victoria's Secret model Maria Borges (L) and US Victoria's Secret model Gigi Hadid (R) cheer at the conclusion the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020201 Angolan Victoria’s Secret model Maria Borges (L) and US Victoria’s Secret model Gigi Hadid (R) cheer at the conclusion the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020167 Namibian Victoria's Secret model Behati Prinsloo walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020167 Namibian Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020053 US Victoria's Secret model Martha Hunt walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020053 US Victoria’s Secret model Martha Hunt walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020135 British Victoria's Secret model Lily Donaldson walks on the runway while English singer Ellie Goulding (L) performs during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020135 British Victoria’s Secret model Lily Donaldson walks on the runway while English singer Ellie Goulding (L) performs during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020016 US Victoria's Secret model Lily Aldridge walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020016 US Victoria’s Secret model Lily Aldridge walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020006 US model Kendall Jenner walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020006 US model Kendall Jenner walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020002 South African model Candice Swanepoel walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New york, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020002 South African model Candice Swanepoel walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New york, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES


epa05020026 US singer Selena Gomez (C) performs on the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020026 US singer Selena Gomez (C) performs on the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020134 Brazilian Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020134 Brazilian Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020119 Puerto Rican Victoria's Secret model Joan Smalls walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020119 Puerto Rican Victoria’s Secret model Joan Smalls walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020007 US model Gigi Hadid walks down the runway in front of US singer Selena Gomez as she performs during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020007 US model Gigi Hadid walks down the runway in front of US singer Selena Gomez as she performs during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05019840 Brazilian Victoria's Secret model Izabel Goulart poses backstage during hair and make-up before the start of the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05019840 Brazilian Victoria’s Secret model Izabel Goulart poses backstage during hair and make-up before the start of the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020001 US model Kendall Jenner walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020001 US model Kendall Jenner walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020044 Brazilian Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020044 Brazilian Victoria’s Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio walks down the runway during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020165 English singer Ellie Goulding performs during the 2015 Victoria's Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015.  EPA/JASON SZENES
epa05020165 English singer Ellie Goulding performs during the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Lexington Armory in New York, USA, 10 November 2015. EPA/JASON SZENES

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